2nd Annual LaBute New Theater Festival

Labute New Theater Festival 2014 Finalists
The St. Louis Actors’ Studio is proud to announce the finalists of the LaBute New Theater Festival. The finalists this year were chosen from over 250 submissions from all over the world. (US/Canada/Wales/Great Britain/France/New Zealand)
Neil LaBute's World Premiere One-Act "HERE WE GO ROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH" will be presented nightly at the festival and will be directed by Artistic Director Milton Zoth
The following plays will be produced in this year's festival. High School Finalists will be read by professional actors at a presentation in the Gaslight Theater Saturday, July 26. 11 am (Free). Festival tickets on sale now!.
2014 Finalists
Playwright - Play - City, State
July 11-20, 2014
Aleks Merilo - Little Moscow - Brooklyn, NY
Steve Karp - Rubbas - New York, NY
Thomas Pierce - Blue Lagoon - Seattle, WA
Jan Henson Dow - I Want to Show You Something - Bluffton, SC-
July 25 - August 3, 2014
JJ Strong - Comeback Special - Los Angeles, CA
John Doble - Coffee House, Greenwich Village - New York, NY
Susan Steadman - The Thing With Feathers - Wilmington, NC
High School Finalists
Pisces by Aidan Murphy, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Lincolnshire,IL
Prosaic Beatings by Jared Ray McSwain, Stockbridge, GA
The Hushed Machine by Amelia Himebaugh, Lindbergh High School, St. Louis, MO