A Delicate Balance

Playwright: Edward Albee

Directed by: David Wassilak

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An immaculate production, A Delicate Balance is the first show at the fashionable storefront Gaslight Theatre, on a very pleasant side-street just south of the old Gaslight Square nightclub district. The play's amazing program is jammed full of nostalgic material from that magical part of town, where so many young entertainers left their mark in the 1960s, like Barbra Streisand, Lenny Bruce, and Nichols and May. It's nice to see the old neighborhood getting lucky all over again.

Richard Green, Talkin' Broadway

If you're going to start a new theater company, one of your most important decisions is also one of the earliest: the choice of your inaugural offering. That selection will serve to define your persona. It will tell potential audiences how serious your intentions are — as well as what is expected of them. The fledgling St. Louis Actors' Studio, which debuted last week in the old Gaslight Square area, is making a bold statement by staging Edward Albee's A Delicate Balance, an ambitious drama that remains as scarifying today as it was when the play premiered 41 years ago.

Dennis Brown, Riverfront Times

The St. Louis Actors' Studio has inaugurated the new Gaslight Theatre with a powerful production of Edward Albee's drama, A Delicate Balance.

Steve Calahan, KDHX Radio
