The Late Henry Moss
Playwright: Sam Shepard
Directed by: Milt Zoth
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Two antagonistic brothers, Ray and Earl, are brought together after their father, Henry Moss, is found dead in his seedy New Mexico home. Henry was a harassing, arrogant drunk, and his sons have inherited his worst qualities. Ray is determined to uncover the mysterious circumstances of Henry's death. In three acts, the story of the father's last days unfolds in flashbacks.
a production brilliantly realized by director Milton Zoth and a wonderfully talented cast comprised of Kevin Beyer, David Wassilak, William Roth, Brooke Edwards, Larry Dell and John Pierson
Mark Bretz, Ladue News
"…sparks of theatrical magic light up the dim landscape of THE LATE HENRY MOSS…[Shepard's] singular gift has been for building mysteries out of the ordinary ingredients of American family life…"